Trick or Treat?: Doctor's Notes - Halloween Candy Safety

Photo by: Yaroslav Shuraev
Halloween is just around the corner, and for many children, this will be their first in-person celebration in 2 years. It is a happy time when they get to dress up as their favorite character. And, let’s be real - who doesn’t like free candy?!!! However, it is important to be aware of something much more sinister than ghosts or ghouls lurking around- rainbow fentanyl. Rainbow fentanyl is a highly addictive, dangerous drug that has already been identified in multiple states and just a small amount can be deadly. It is brightly colored and designed to look like candy or sidewalk chalk to make it more attractive to children and teens. Therefore, this is just a reminder to inspect all candies and treats. If anything looks suspicious, do not eat or give to your children, and if necessary contact the proper authorities. For more information on rainbow fentanyl, visit and for more tips on Halloween safety. Wishing everyone a safe, healthy and happy Halloween.